The assignment aims to elaborate on the impact and effect of staff resistance regarding the change process. The following is based on two questions focusing on a case study of the Brown Brothers. Furthermore, this assignment demonstrates the roles, which are essential in a project team. It describes the communication processes which are used in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the firm. It is essential to provide controlling methods to the senior management so that they can plan to enhance their quality in the right manner.
Case study
Brown Brothers has been one of the large manufacturers in the kitchen and stuffs related to it. They have been working in this sector for many years and therefore they have a workforce of more than 180 employees in their workplace. It is found that in the recent years their sale has been decreasing drastically. According to their Sales Director, their competitor is selling products 30% cheaper than their products. On further investigation, they found that they are also using advanced methods which are cheaper and less time-consuming. However, their competitor is using low-quality material which decreases the quality of their finished product but it did not affect their sales.
Question 1
The change management process is essential for every organisation all over the globe. It is noted that change is important in order to stay in competition in the contemporary market. Therefore, Brown Brothers organisation has to select an effective and efficient process. For this reason, they can choose Kotter’s 8 Step process which helps them to identify the urgency of the change (Magnúsdóttir, 2018). In this way, they are able to make strategic vision and take strong initiatives. Furthermore, it helps them to understand the barriers and issues in their organisation so that they can work on it in order to achieve small target. This helps them to obtain a sustainable amount of acceleration and institute change within the organisation.
It is important for leaders, senior management and higher hierarchy of any organisation to make effective changes within their firm in order to increase their sale (Lee, Idris, and Delfabbro, 2017). However, change management cannot be applied without the application of the proper amount of information and knowledge. Therefore, CEO of companies need guidance for their managers to provide them with efficient corporate strategies which can help them to make their structure better and enhance their processes and procedures (Stubbs, 2019). In the modernised world, the role of advanced technologies have also increased and therefore they can play a vital part in creating vast changes in the external environment. The first and foremost task of any change process is to implement a new process or business strategies which can enhance their business (Balocco et al., 2019). Subsequently, companies have to look for the negative impact of the change on their company and staff member so that they can minimise it.
The demand of the modern world has made many firms to look into their traditional processes and make changes in it. For this reason, organisations have to take swift actions which can affect not only their products but also their processes and employees as well (Mathar, and Gaur, 2020). However, the change process is essential in evolving business but most of the employees resist it and do not want to leave their comfort zone. For this reason, extra efforts are needed from the experts and professionals which can help the senior management of the organisation so that they can develop effective approaches and methods which can navigate the change without disrupting the staff members.
According to the study of Sullivan and Staib (2018), it is impossible to make a change and creating no disruption for employees. On the other hand, the leaders and CEOs of the companies looking into the new and effective initiatives for their companies also have to look into the disruptors which can affect the flow of work and their staff. It is noted that two much change in any organisation can be disruptive for their process and staff which can lead to overload of change process (Clegg et al., 2018). In this way, employees failed to adopt the new methods in a timely manner, and it can be exhausted. It is common that each employee has a different tolerance level and due to which it increases the occupational stress among the employees due to the change process. However, it is analysed that disruption of staff can be minimised with the help of well-laid plan from the senior management (McCrorie et al., 2019). The disruptive effect can have a negative impact on staff so therefore, managers have to present the systematic management change process. Moreover, managers also have to understand the tolerance level of their employees and in accordance with it make a change process. In this way, both organisation and staff members can bear the disruption which is occurred due to change process (Sherf, Tangirala, and Venkataramani, 2019). On the other hand, lack of proper guidance and information is the reason for the disruption of staff. Therefore, senior management has to involve them as well so that they can minimise it. It is important for managers to keep a watchful eye on their staff and give them clear direction so that their no disruptive effect created by the change process.
Subjects: Management
Pages: 11 Words: | 2644
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